Video-mapping makes a stellar footprint in the world of events
Recently we are hearing a lot about Video-Mapping. Certainly it is in fashion although, really, it has been on the market for years. It is not surprising it has made such an important mark in the world of events because it is a really impressive product, with results that are always spectacular. However, there are still people out there who do not know what we are exactly referring to when we speak of offering a Mapping Experience. Here we are going to explain it properly.
What is a Mapping Experience?
Video-mapping is a modern technique that fuses art and technology, changing the appearance of objects and surfaces in real time to give different volume, dimensions and optical illusions. It is really an art that consists in projecting video and lights onto a chosen surface area turning it into a sort of three dimensional and dynamic stage. As you can imagine the effects of immersing the public in history, a show or message that is being projected is exceedingly powerful.
Of course, this is not an easy task and many factors influence the outcome: whether it is open air or not, the surface area of the projection, the size, distance….. Also to obtain a 100% immersion it is very important to add sound effects that enhance the visual show. Both light and sound must go hand in hand in perfect harmony to provide a perfect result. Therefore, the choice of the correct professional is extremely important.
What can we expect from this type of experience?
Video-mapping is one of the most striking techniques, both fresh and surprising that can be applied to the world of events. Each project is unique and totally adapted to each company or client. Reality and the unreal are fused together and there will never be 2 shows the same.
Innumerable resources are used, such as robotic lighting, sound tracks, live music, voice-overs, circus arts, actors, pyrotechnics… giving a 3 dimensional show that can be used as a stage off of any type of backing: buildings, internal architecture, cars, furniture, floors…. Any object can be virtually transformed. With all that there is available in the chosen venue, live scenes can be created that are able to communicate a message.
Types of Video Mapping
Depending on the scale, objects and background chosen there are various types of Video-Mapping. We list the 3 we consider the most impressive and most easily adaptable to the world of events:
- Projection onto a building. This is one of the most well known techniques. This type of projection tends to be used on historic buildings to celebrate an anniversary for example. For use in events, in a more private atmosphere, the result is spectacular, transforming the message the company wishes to impart. Buildings come to life and take on a new dimension in colour and light and, as mentioned above, can be personalised to the requirements of the company.
- Micromapping or, what is the same, projections of smaller objects that manage to mix in with the audience. Used a lot in the presentation of a product. The product makes its mark among the participants via optical illusions which we guarantee convey great surprises.
- Table-Mapping. This is the current king of shows produced for coroporate events. A fusion between a gastronomic, artistic and technological experience. To enliven a dinner with this spectacle will take your event to another level, in a totally personalised way.
More about Table-Mapping
As it is the favourite technique for corporate events it is maybe the one that most interests us, so we shall explain a little more about this type of vide-mapping.
Via Table-Mapping techniques, technology and top cuisine join together to provide a spectacle focussed on creating an unrivalled experience to the audience without leaving the dinner venue. Together the dishes and creation of virtual environments create a mise en scéne that are really dazzling.
Urban scenes or natural landscapes can be recreated, we can go into space or visit any point on the planet without moving from our chair. Everything to harmonise with the dishes being served, always with an exquisite catering service. The idea is to fuse both elements: top cuisine with advanced technology. The result can only be, at the very least, outstanding. It goes without saying that music plays a fundamental role in this type of spectacle so the choice of music is key to success. The technical team will always make sure that all the elements involved are adapted to present a completely personalised image of the brand, company or client.
How to organise a Table-Mapping spectacle?
To develop such an exclusive corporate event, you need to use professionals in both the technical area and also in regard to the Restaurant. Let´s not forget these 2 elements are an essential part of the Experience.
The service must always be personalised. You can ask for ideas or bring your own ideas and the technical team will adapt them. It is so flexible, there are as many options as there are ideas in our heads! The WOW effect will be assued and if you want to step outside the norm, this is a good option. Even if you choose a basic venue for the gala dinner with a normal and classic appearance once the show starts, the audience will be left with their mouths open.
You can place your brand just where you want it to be seen and that is what your guests will see and is what they will remember. Use the personalization and the virtual setting to create a great impact and to be remembered as the best event they have ever attended. But don´t forget the top cuisine is fundamental, as part of the success of the dinner is going to depend on the sevice and quality of the dishes presented. Each one of those dishes, as well as being a gourmet experience in its own right, is always based on the techniques used to tell the stories that, together with the lights spectacle, projection and sounds, are conveyed to us throughout the dinner.
Surprise is the key
It is clear there is a wide range of possibilities with which to create a surprise at each event you hold. But we can assure you that one that creates the greatest impact on the audience is a good show of Video-Mapping or Table-Mapping. With professional coordination between the indispensable elements of such shows: video, lights, sound and top cuisine, in the cases of Table-Mapping the result is going to be, undoubtedly, a great experience.
We hope you have found this article interesting. Please contact us for ore information. We will be happy to hear from you!
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