Organising Events around Christmastime


Nowadays, one of the things we look for most is to reach out to people more. We want to ensure they remember us, the brand we are promoting; an increasingly complicated task in a world plagued throughout the whole day with advertising messages. The idea is to reach the very heart of those attending the event we are preparing and that the trip should become an experience which they do not forget. Well, if we choose dates around Christmas we can tap into those emotions so that the guests live the event as something unforgettable. And if we choose other dates we can also do it; however, as we are in full Christmas mode, we are going to concentrate on this theme, to bring emotion to the guests making references to these family dates.


Let´s tell a story

However, we are not speaking about an invented tale with a moral and a happy ending, but a real story, one that at least seems like it.

Do you know the advert for a Spanish brand of nougat? The slogan is “Home for Christmas”. The video we are showing is in Spanish but it is perfectly clear what we want to convey, don´t you think?



Doesn´t that message reach out to you? It makes you take hold of your own personal story and frame it within that context. This is what we want to achieve. A very personal story which, at the same time, can be experienced by the guests in their own right.

And, with so much technology available enabling us to be so connected, we can begin our story even before the event. The guests can learn about part of the event even before arriving. We can play at generating expectation and interest; we are creating an experience that continues in time.

The Spanish Christmas lottery advert is very famous. The draw is held every 22nd December. Every year thousands of people  wait to see what the story is going to tell us. They have managed to generate that expectation thanks specifically to creating emotion in people. And they achieve it.



Choose the music with care

Music plays a lead role when what we want is to transmit something. If we want to create a tense atmosphere or one of fear, romance, emotion… choosing the right music provides us with the passport to achieving our objective or, as often said, the battle is then already half won.

In our special moments we almost always have a melody in mind. Or, if you hear a paricular song it helps you to remember something. Music definitely helps us generate emotion which is why we have to take time choosing it.


We ensure the guests can participate

As we said before new technology provides us with a range of options that a few years ago we couldn´t even imagine. We can get our guests to interact with our story before, during and after our event. There are still not many companies that use the tools that make this possible. However, when well focussed using apps and social media we can make ourselves different to other brands and create a greater impact. Remember, we want them to remember us, we want to create that emotion in our guests.

If, for example, we are organising a presentation of a product this type of story in which the guests can participate will give the brand the initial push that will reach far beyond the delegates. Stories generated via social network have an audience we can hardly imagine.

And, while we are talking about Christmas, we can create an amusing game so that in our emotional event there is also a lot of laughter. For example, we could recreate on stage, using artists who act it out, a Christmas Eve supper with the typical stereotype characters: the mother in law, the brother in law, the mother who can´t sit down because the children don´t stop destroying everything….. On a large screen we connect the app that all the guests will have downloaded on their Smartphones, (which we will have invited them to do). From then on it will be the guests themselves who will propose the lines to be spoken by the actors (which can be read on the screen). The guests decide the conversation in that particular show. Can you imagine how crazy that could be or how funny? This is only a small idea, the possibilities are infinite. And you can be sure that by participating they will remember much more of that day.


Let´s not forget the post-event

We must not forget that all events have an objective. Before, we were speaking about the launch of a product; what we want is not only that the presentation event is in itself a success, but that it should be far reaching to as many people as possible. For that we must not forget to make a good summary of it on video, post it on social media and send it personally to each guest, inviting them, of course, to share it with other people.

And, as we are sharing ideas for an event around Christmas, we cannot forget to greet each one of the guests on that day. Share with them our list of brand wishes for the new year. With a bit of luck they will also add their own grain of sand to help us to achieve it. We become a team!

We hope you find this article interesting. Do not hesitate to contact us to go over these ideas and adapt them to your requirements. We shall be delighted to hear from you!

Don’t forget to follow us on your favorite social network. We will be happy to see you there! 


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