How to create a surprise during an online event  

At this stage we all know the advantages and disadvantages of holding events online. Most in favour, from our point of view, is to be able to keep up communication. If we do not go with attendance events, (which indeed, we encourage you to do) the most significant issue is to maintain communication.  Online events will help us to keep up those communicative needs of companies that we are always talking about.  We can also not forget to mention that online events offer greater flexibility, (or “non-necessity”) in regard to people not having to travel there.

However, with online event management one fundamental factor to ensure they are successful events is to hold the attention of our spectators.

To keep up interest at online events it is necessary to take into consideration factors such as easy and fluid communication during the event. Also, interactive platforms, social networks and to bring to the attendees gifts or valuable content that reinforces the experience of the virtual event.  

Teambuilding online para empresas y grupos

How to communicate successfully at virtual events

To improve virtual events in terms of communication, there must be at least two participants involved in the discussion so they can interact and together create a fulfilling and dynamic meet up.

The first step is to ensure the valued content being exhibited is in accordance with the audience, and that we are fully aware of who we are addressing. This is easy when we speak of professional events.  We have already commented on several occasions that at this type of company event tracing the details of the attendees, either in person or virtually, is much easier to control.

Therefore, we have this advantage when focussing on the theme of our virtual event, to which we shall invite all those people we know or believe will find it interesting. In this way, the presentation will be focussed using language and tone defined by the audiovisual content which will be totally in tune with the audience.  

Images at virtual events are of huge importance and must be in keeping with the message they intend to transmit, leaving randomization to one side. We shall also use corporate colours to provide perception and association between the brand and the online event.


Let’s talk about your needs to organize a successful virtual event.

how to gain attention at an online event via a computer from home

Use neuromarketing at online events 

For a more stimulating content and a more effective communication, the use of neuromarketing at events is key. And what is it? In a nutshell, we are speaking about appealing to emotions.

A format that you can use to alternate with images is the video format. We can then connect with the public via the music and capture and maintain interest throughout the event online. As a curiosity, this is based on the fact that music activates the right hemisphere of the brain where the emotional side is opposite the rational.

Within this format, storytelling is a valuable tool to work with providing active listening at online events from the spectators. It allows the receiver to empathise with and imitate the protagonist in the story, avoiding rational thought and giving way to the emotional side. It helps us to focus all our senses on the content.

We are great defenders of generating positive emotions, another ally at virtual events. To offer humorous or positive content improves the receptive process of a message in the minds of the attendees and allows them to connect emotionally. This can be a video, image, or gif format; the latter being one of the most used; these are also shared profusely on social networks.   


Achieve interaction at online events  

There are several tools to achieve interaction at events and the first step is to streamline,  making access easy and quick.

For which, in the presentation, you can make use of the QR codes for events with the link to the platform or action that has already been prepared. Playing a game can enhance the memory of the key moments being discussed during an online event. This game can include a gift as a reward to the winner. And in this way, we manage to encourage the participation of the attendees at virtual events.

Spectator at an online event communicating with the other attendees from their computer at their work place.

Interact with social networks at digital events  

In general, there are no ideal social networks for events. What can happen is that our attendees may or may not use the social networks we propose. This is why it is important not to concentrate the interaction at a digital event on one single option which could limit our public attendance.

Also, if using social networks, logically we will only use those active with the company. We wouldn´t, for example, work with Twitter at our online event if the company does not have a profile on that social network. 

As tools within social networks, we can contemplate the use of hashtags that define the digital event. One can be present at all times during the presentation to create exclusive content and interact virtually with the public during the online event.  

Another resource is the draw. Through the stories questions can be asked about the digital event, increasing the interaction of the spectators. From participants who guess correctly or win the proposed game, a gift will be awarded that will be in accordance with the online event.

Emission and recording of part of a digital event through social networks.

Gifts for digital events  

To complete the online event experience we can create a surprise with a box of gifts for the event. In this way we make the experience more tangible and real, getting closer to the attendees, just as in an event with attendance in person.  

Examples of gifts for digital events we could suggest thousands, but to give some ideas we can mention supports for mobile devices. This accessory will facilitate interaction during the virtual event. Also, corporate material in a biro and booklet are always a good idea. We shall promote their use in order not to miss key ideas at the event or possible questions when closing the event.

Finally, QR codes can be provided on printed cards with the link to the digital event and all the material on show. This generates greater flexibility between devices and, at the same time, allows us access to all the information at any time and in any place.

We hope you have found this article interesting. Please contact us for more information. We will be happy to hear from you!

And don´t forget to follow us on your favorite social network. It will be great to see you there!


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