Key decisions to choose the best destination for your events

​As we have said in several of our articles the trend of using events as a communication tool is becoming more widespread. By event we are referring to everything encompassed under the MICE sector: Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Events themselves, as well as Congresses.

The rise in this sector is unstoppable, but we know it can sometimes be difficult to choose a destination we consider ideal. At times it is very clear but, there are so many other times that, given such a wide offer the choice of the city and opportune programme turns into a complicated task.

In this article we speak about some aspects that can help us get a clearer idea or to discard destinations among the options on offer.

Best destinations for events in Spain

Establish some objectives to work towards

The first thing to have clear, as we always say, is what the objective of the trip is. To this end, there are cities that are more suitable than others depending on the type of event we are organising. For example, if we want to reward some employees who have obtained some very good results with an incentive and gift them a “relaxing holiday”, we could choose a coastal destination, concentrating on the search for a resort and then organise activities according to the profile of the participants. Based on this example Málaga, Mallorca, Ibiza or Tenerife, to cite some cities could be a tremendous option.

However, if we had a different objective such as the presentation of a new product, we are going to invite a very large number of people and we need infrastructure on a large scale so, for sure, cities such as Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia (among others) would come to mind, because they have a greater variety in this type of infrastructure. Or, if we focus on gastronomy or innovation, Bilbao could be a very good alternative that would meet this objective perfectly.

Best destinations for events in Spain

Easy access to the chosen destination

It goes without saying that one of the most highly valued characteristics for all destinations is whether to get there is easy or not. It is evident that cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, with a high air traffic volume, not dependent on the season, have this very important point in their favour. But there are other Spanish cities that, although with a more reduced timetable availablity, offer almost daily international connections.  Mallorca, Málaga, Valencia, Sevilla.. are just a few examples.

On the other hand, if we want to opt for a more innovative destination, access will not be more complicated, it will just us longer to get there. For example, Toledo is only 1 hour from Madrid; Huelva & Cádiz 1 hour from Sevilla or Granada and Córdoba 1 hour from Málaga. These are lesser known destinations but no less suitable if we take into consideration our objectives, as we mentioned in the previous point. Getting to know new cities is always a great idea!

In any case, air connections in Spain, whose international tourism forms a very important part of its GNP, is a factor that is always at the top of the list to continue providing increasingly easy access.


Preparing a programme made to measure  

The offer of activities, restaurants, infrastructure…. in each destination is not the same. So if, for example, we are going to organise a day of meetings and the programme surrounding that day is very important to us …. we can begin by comparing the activities or experiences offered by each city we have in mind. From there on we shall have some great clues as to whether the chosen destinations meet what we are looking for.

It will not be the same to offer a cultural programme in which museums, tradition and typical cuisine of the region are the protagonists, or another more avant garde programme looking for more interactive experiences with more surprising gastronomic options. Both options are great so all we would have to do is to set them within our programme choosing the most suitable destination.

To enjoy the chosen city and getting to know it in a relaxed manner is one of the aspects most highly prized by participants attending all types of events in the MICE sector. At times, this becomes a fundamental part of the programme and, based on what is on offer in each region, one decision or another can be taken. Therefore, a good way to start is to research the destination: how can I get to know the city that appears to be the most agreeable, innovative, attractive, gastronomic, original, sporty, or in a team…?  You ask the question and each destination will show you its possibilities.

Best destinations for events in Spain

Climate also bears an influence

And it is a big influence. In general Spain has a very favourable climate throughout the year  but, depending on the type of programme we want to design, we can opt for one city or another. Bearing in mind that weather is unforeseeable if, for example, we want to organise a gastronomic event and open air activities, we should choose a city with less possibility of rain, such as Málaga or Tenerife, among others.


Budget is always important

The budget is basic in every case when choosing a destination. Logically, the freedom of choice provided by a higher budget always opens a wider range of options. However, at each destination there are many options that can be adapted perfectly to each different budget.

Best destinations for events in Spain

Let us stop to think of the participants  

What is the profile of the people coming and what are we offering them? Knowing our guests is fundamental to be able to choose a destination and programme that is perfect for them.  

Are you a fan of technology? Do you love food or wine? Do you prefer to enjoy a resort quietly? Or, is your profile more cultural or more adventurous? There are so many options that one of the keys is for us to adapt to what the participants expect from us, always basing ourselves on our objectives with every action.



The truth is that any destination in Spain can be adapted to any of the objectives in all types of events. Which is why something that is a basic for us as a specialist agency is  to always be totally up to date in everything that is on offer to get the best out of each programme, event or incentive.

If you need help choosing a destination, just ask! We shall be delighted to help you and accompany you to any city on the Spanish map.​

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